The JavaScript Component Library

Current Version: 0.2-alpha

SourceForge page


  More Forthcoming


  Rollover Button
  Dialog Box
  Tree View
  Dynamic Tree View

Support This Project
JSCL allows for the creation of custom markup tags and attributes within HTML. 

For example, the following simple code

<div id="test" jsc:type="dialog(Drag Me!)"
style="positon: absolute; left: 400px; top: 20px">
   Hello World

provides the window you see on your screen. (Click here to show it again if you have closed it.)

In addition to being easier to write, JSCL components use less characters than their full-blown HTML equivalents and are therefore transmitted across the Internet faster.

JSCL encourages reuse of code, and allows complex solutions to be developed quickly. Most importantly, through the power of JavaScript and the HTML DOM it allows web designers to use advanced components without themselves knowing anything about JavaScript or the HTML DOM.

It also contains some powerful JavaScript debugging tools. Press CTRL-J on your keyboard to try them out.

Hello World

Some of the development of JSCL has been supported by CD-Lab.

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